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"""Find and show 10 working HTTP(S) proxies."""

import asyncio
from proxybroker import Broker

async def show(proxies):
    while True:
        proxy = await proxies.get()
        if proxy is None: break
        print('Found proxy: %s' % proxy)

proxies = asyncio.Queue()
broker = Broker(proxies)
tasks = asyncio.gather(
    broker.find(types=['HTTP', 'HTTPS'], limit=10),

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

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"""Find 10 working HTTP(S) proxies and save them to a file."""

import asyncio
from proxybroker import Broker

async def save(proxies, filename):
    """Save proxies to a file."""
    with open(filename, 'w') as f:
        while True:
            proxy = await proxies.get()
            if proxy is None:
            proto = 'https' if 'HTTPS' in proxy.types else 'http'
            row = '%s://%s:%d\n' % (proto, proxy.host, proxy.port)

def main():
    proxies = asyncio.Queue()
    broker = Broker(proxies)
    tasks = asyncio.gather(broker.find(types=['HTTP', 'HTTPS'], limit=10),
                           save(proxies, filename='proxies.txt'))
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

if __name__ == '__main__':

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"""Find working proxies and use them concurrently.

Note: Pay attention to Broker.serve(), instead of the code listed below.
      Perhaps it will be much useful and friendlier.

import asyncio
from urllib.parse import urlparse

import aiohttp

from proxybroker import Broker, ProxyPool
from proxybroker.errors import NoProxyError

async def get_pages(urls, proxy_pool, timeout=10, loop=None):
    tasks = [fetch(url, proxy_pool, timeout, loop) for url in urls]
    for task in asyncio.as_completed(tasks):
        url, content = await task
        print('Done! url: %s; content: %.30s' % (url, content))

async def fetch(url, proxy_pool, timeout, loop):
    resp, proxy = None, None
        proxy = await proxy_pool.get(scheme=urlparse(url).scheme)
        proxy_url = 'http://%s:%d' % (proxy.host, proxy.port)
        with aiohttp.Timeout(timeout, loop=loop):
            async with aiohttp.ClientSession(loop=loop) as session:
                async with session.get(url, proxy=proxy_url) as response:
                    resp = await response.read()
    except (aiohttp.errors.ClientOSError, aiohttp.errors.ClientResponseError,
            aiohttp.errors.ServerDisconnectedError, asyncio.TimeoutError,
            NoProxyError) as e:
        print('Error. url: %s; error: %r', url, e)
        if proxy:
        return (url, resp)

def main():
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

    proxies = asyncio.Queue(loop=loop)
    proxy_pool = ProxyPool(proxies)

    judges = ['http://httpbin.org/get?show_env',
    providers = ['http://www.proxylists.net/', 'http://fineproxy.org/eng/fresh-proxies/']

    broker = Broker(
        proxies, timeout=8, max_conn=200, max_tries=3, verify_ssl=False,
        judges=judges, providers=providers, loop=loop)

    types = [('HTTP', ('Anonymous', 'High')), ]
    countries = ['US', 'DE', 'FR']

    urls = ['http://httpbin.org/get', 'http://httpbin.org/redirect/1',
            'http://httpbin.org/anything', 'http://httpbin.org/status/404']

    tasks = asyncio.gather(
        broker.find(types=types, countries=countries, strict=True, limit=10),
        get_pages(urls, proxy_pool, loop=loop))

    # broker.show_stats(verbose=True)

if __name__ == '__main__':

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"""Find 10 working proxies supporting CONNECT method
   to 25 port (SMTP) and save them to a file."""

import asyncio
from proxybroker import Broker

async def save(proxies, filename):
    """Save proxies to a file."""
    with open(filename, 'w') as f:
        while True:
            proxy = await proxies.get()
            if proxy is None:
            f.write('smtp://%s:%d\n' % (proxy.host, proxy.port))

def main():
    proxies = asyncio.Queue()
    broker = Broker(proxies, judges=['smtp://smtp.gmail.com'], max_tries=1)

    # Check proxy in spam databases (DNSBL). By default is disabled.
    # more databases: http://www.dnsbl.info/dnsbl-database-check.php
    dnsbl = ['bl.spamcop.net', 'cbl.abuseat.org', 'dnsbl.sorbs.net',
             'zen.spamhaus.org', 'bl.mcafee.com', 'spam.spamrats.com']

    tasks = asyncio.gather(
        broker.find(types=['CONNECT:25'], dnsbl=dnsbl, limit=10),
        save(proxies, filename='proxies.txt'))
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

if __name__ == '__main__':

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"""Gather proxies from the providers without
   checking and save them to a file."""

import asyncio
from proxybroker import Broker

async def save(proxies, filename):
    """Save proxies to a file."""
    with open(filename, 'w') as f:
        while True:
            proxy = await proxies.get()
            if proxy is None:
            f.write('%s:%d\n' % (proxy.host, proxy.port))

def main():
    proxies = asyncio.Queue()
    broker = Broker(proxies)
    tasks = asyncio.gather(broker.grab(countries=['US', 'GB'], limit=10),
                           save(proxies, filename='proxies.txt'))
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

if __name__ == '__main__':

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"""Run a local proxy server that distributes
   incoming requests to external proxies."""

import asyncio
import aiohttp

from proxybroker import Broker

async def get_pages(urls, proxy_url):
    tasks = [fetch(url, proxy_url) for url in urls]
    for task in asyncio.as_completed(tasks):
        url, content = await task
        print('Done! url: %s; content: %.100s' % (url, content))

async def fetch(url, proxy_url):
    resp = None
        async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
            async with session.get(url, proxy=proxy_url) as response:
                resp = await response.read()
    except (aiohttp.errors.ClientOSError, aiohttp.errors.ClientResponseError,
            aiohttp.errors.ServerDisconnectedError) as e:
        print('Error. url: %s; error: %r' % (url, e))
        return (url, resp)

def main():
    host, port = '', 8888  # by default

    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

    types = [('HTTP', 'High'), 'HTTPS', 'CONNECT:80']
    codes = [200, 301, 302]

    broker = Broker(max_tries=1, loop=loop)

    # Broker.serve() also supports all arguments that are accepted
    # Broker.find() method: data, countries, post, strict, dnsbl.
    broker.serve(host=host, port=port, types=types, limit=10, max_tries=3,
                 prefer_connect=True, min_req_proxy=5, max_error_rate=0.5,
                 max_resp_time=8, http_allowed_codes=codes, backlog=100)

    urls = ['http://httpbin.org/get', 'https://httpbin.org/get',
            'http://httpbin.org/redirect/1', 'http://httpbin.org/status/404']

    proxy_url = 'http://%s:%d' % (host, port)
    loop.run_until_complete(get_pages(urls, proxy_url))


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